If you've ever thought about having Dylan Davis come to your small town bookshop in Ohio and discuss the merits of lesbian sex or why the Mel Brooks version of To Be or Not to Be (1984) is better than the Ernst Lubistch (1942) version, then go ahead and drop him a line at or on Twitter @thatdylandavis. He would love for you to declare your distaste for obscure German Films, 1980's synth pop or how and why we as Americans are drastically different from Canadians.
Dylan is a busy guy. He has a full time job, two kids, and a wonderful and charming wife that he never wants out of his presence, but he wouldn't mind dropping all of that to come to your Lion's Club or VFW to discuss the impact of the Marshall plan or to read select chapters from his works of fiction that are guaranteed to keep people away from this website for years. All he needs, as the Rutles sang, is cash.
Or you could just email him at or on Twitter @thatdylandavis. For his books just follow the link on the info tabs found on this website.
I am eternally grateful for a host of friends and services that allow me to broadcast my message regardless of the amount of listeners. These are people I cherish and companies I consider partners:
Rozalind MacPhail
Rozalind has allowed me to use her wonderful music for The Super 70 Podcast. She has a fantastic website and SoundCloud filled with seemingly endless interesting music. Please give her some love.
Cristina Merritt Professional Photography for non-professionals (me)
Elisabet Levesque-Mumford Professional Photography for people with no patience
Jeanette Kennedy Photography For patience and virtue- and the background photo to this site.
Square Space a great service for artists and idiot savants
Sound Cloud professional support for The Super 70 Podcast
Apple a company that appreciates how poor most people are